Friday, January 30, 2009
The Undiscovered Potentials of RSS Marketing
How can become a real, despite its popularity, there are still many online promoters do not know the importance of RSS marketing in online business? Ah, this is a fact that many of the marketing division has not yet found the true potential of RSS marketing, to enhance the marketing of their products on the Internet. There are so many advantages in marketing with RSS. Is a fact, it can greatly providing high-quality traffic to your site. Another thing, this technology allows you to select the readers or users, when they accept the update from your website and not received a lot of e-mail or communications in their own mailbox.
Appreciation for many users to be regularly updated web site, especially from so they are most interested in, if you happen to have information relevant to the needs of these users desire, then you may just be the source of the RSS, what they need. Initially, they may only subscribers, but who knows they may be your next customer. Continue to provide high-quality news, to meet the needs of your users. The new technology provides a lot of convenience, a lot of people, which is why it is becoming increasingly popular. Not browse some Web sites to check for updates, they do not have to check the manual.
They will be informed as soon as possible to update the Internet. This is for them to save time, is not it? In addition, many Internet users are very disgusted with hundreds of e-mails received daily in their inbox, so they prefer to selected sites, they are more willing to receive updates. The technology is the real answer, e-mail spamming. It minimizes the number of users spam. At the same time, online promotions or Web site owners will be able to create traffic information. If you are eventually able to achieve the relevant site traffic, you will also get better search engine rankings.
A distinct advantage, RSS sources, such as search optimization tools is that it is low cost. You do not need to spend huge amounts of the party's budget to draw traffic to your site. The technology is almost free of charge. The RSS marketing is very important that you create a better relationship, your potential customers. With part of it, your online marketing approach, you can easily keep in touch with your customers. I wonder if they will feel that is very important, through your constant communication with them. This is the best way to build customer trust you. Subsequently, this will not be too difficult to convince them to try your product.
RSS must be added the list of marketing and traditional building. These two methods can provide better results. This is not necessary, you give up the other to allow them both. If you use RSS, you do not have to stop with your e-mail marketing. As long as continue to do so, because RSS is just an addition to your list of construction methods. RSS began marketing the right way, so as to ensure that you have rich content and quality of feed. You can start your blog. Test System, as well as in advance so you will know, if there are certain deficiencies in the system.
What NOT To Do Using Pay Per Click Campaigns
Who is the other new procedures to choose a very general search terms in order to maximize clicks. They mistakenly believe that more clicks will automatically mean more money. Unfortunately, this is not correct. In order to make money using pay-per-click program, you need targeted clicks. You must use a very narrow approach focused on people may need to provide you with products.
If you focus on the word "book" in your campaign, you will get tons of clicks to find a free e-books, but it may not be many buyers, "e-books to create" products. This campaign will be doomed to failure. Unfortunately, many new entrepreneurs know PPC Jump right to publicity and does not do the necessary research.
Therefore, if you are a new business network marketing. Your research before any plan. Please make sure you can afford "the worst." If you use pay-per-click on a program to reduce its concentration. Please note that the higher number of clicks does not necessarily mean more profits, this will mean higher costs. Sometimes this means higher costs. So your research. Your online business does not start making profits in 2 minutes, this is a very good, if you need a little longer.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Make Money Online - Easy Steps to Making Great Money Online
The Internet has a lot of Resources To earn money, and Internet has become more easily than ever before, because everybody how to do this. Prior to this, most of what I have seen and get-rich-quick scheme is difficult to make money online, but now if you wish to within the required timeframe, in order to promote your website or blog, you can also live online and even get rich the process. To activate the decision of which items you want, this is a good idea, the selection you have some expertise in.
Once you decide your site have any questions, then it's time for you to decide whether to establish a web site or has already been constructed. Many people also found that Web site you can buy is not as expensive as well. In access to your site or blog, then we must select an ad, will and money. How the piece of code on your site, and then display ads on your site. When someone clicks on the ad, then you get paid.
Keep in mind that money is not difficult to do online, but you must do a study and take the time to promote your website or blog. The key to doing a lot of money to get people to visit your site, and there are ways to do this do not spend a penny.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Exposed: Facebook Sends More Traffic Than Twitter
Are you a freelancer, blogger or business owner with a website? Do you want to get more traffic?
This article will compare the traffic sent by Facebook VS the traffic sent by Twitter, and suggest some ideas that you may want to invest in — like building up your Twitter and Facebook profiles.
You may be surprised to know that Facebook sends more traffic (& comments) than Twitter, but here is the big crunch… You only need 1/3 of the ‘friends’ on Facebook than you do on Twitter to get the same amount of traffic.
Let me give you the findings from my own blog, Just Creative Design… I have 3400+ friends on Twitter & only 980+ friends on Facebook yet I still get more traffic from Facebook than Twitter. Go figure.
Here is a screenshot from my website stats by Google Analytics to prove it, highlighted in red. You may also be interested to know that Facebook is in my top 10 referring sites.
Twitter Traffic
Facebook Traffic
How to get more traffic from Twitter:
Set up automatic Twitter posts
For my blog / website I use the CMS (Content Management System) called Wordpress and every time I write a new blog post I have set it up to automatically send a Twitter message out to all of my followers.
I have done this by using the Wordpress Plugin called Twitter Updater. For those who do not use Wordpress you can Twitter Feed or if all else fails, manually Tweet. There may be other alternatives for auto tweets out there so if you do know please leave a link in the comments.
From these automatic Twitter posts I get a few hundred visits to each article over the space of about two days. I may also do 1 or 2 more manual tweets at different intervals for those people in different time zones.
Preschedule tweets
On that note, you should also know about the tool called TweetLater which allows you to pre schedule Twitter posts in advance. Very handy.
Self promote
In short, getting traffic from Twitter is based on how much your promote your article (be careful not to spam) and the quality of your followers… are they going to retweet your tweet? I suggest you check out the Ultimate Twitter Guide.
Do to others as you would like done to you
I always keep this in mind… do to others as you would like done to you because what goes around comes around.
How to get more traffic from Facebook:
Set up automatic Twitter to Facebook Status updates
Getting traffic from Facebook is directly linked to how you use Twitter. This is because what you write on Twitter automatically gets sent straight to your Facebook status (well after you set it up).
To automatically get your Tweets sent to Facebook please follow this short tutorial on how to set this up - it will take a whole of 4 minutes to set up.
After you have sent this up, every time you Tweet, all of your Facebook friends will also receive your messages which is handy because not everyone uses Twitter. You would also be surprised to know that more people reply on Facebook than on Twitter, ie. when you ask a question or want feedback on something, based on percentages, Facebook will yield better results.
Set up automatic import of blog notes
Did you know that you can set up your blog posts to be automatically updated on your Facebook profile as ‘notes’. This means that every time you write a new blog post, it will come up in peoples profile timelines & notifications.
To set it up automatic note imports just go here and set up your blog feed to be imported. To see my notes in action click here.
Set up a Facebook group for your website / blog
You know those annoying invites you get on your Facebook profile asking you to join another pointless group? Well you can use this to your advantage… Set up your own Group or fan club for your website. It really does drive traffic!
One of the major benefits of having a Facebook group for your website is the ability to mass message all members with a click of the button. Another benefit is that your group and brand will be displayed on every members profile which means even more exposure for your blog.
For an example of a Facebook Group, check out my Facebook Group for Just Creative Design.
To Do Now
- Automate your blog posts to be sent to Twitter. Install Twitter Updater or set up Twitter Feed.
- Pre schecdule Tweets using the service TweetLater.
- Set up Twitter to Facebook Status updates for automatic Twitter / Facebook integration. Tutorial here.
- Set up automatic import of blog notes in Facebook so your blog posts go into your friends feeds. Set up On Facebook.
- Create a Facebook group for your website / blog for great exposure & easy mass messaging.
- Build Up Your Twitter & Facebook Profiles
Obviously the information I have given you is directly related to how many followers / friends you have and how strong your profile is so I recommend you to check out this Ultimate Twitter Guide or this guide on how to get more Twitter followers - the same rules will generally apply to Facebook. - Add me (Jacob Cass) on Twitter, Facebook & Join the Just Creative Design Facebook Group. Also add Freelance Folder on Twitter.
Do You Hate Your Customers?
"Of course not!" You protest. "My client's reasons for my business. This situation."
Well, maybe you do not hate their customers - but, when an independent for the poor service for our customers, this performance, if our hatred.
Poor customer service to make our lives more difficult, and for our customers may lead to eventual loss of even a customer. In fact, good customer service is essential, if you want to retain their customers and grow your business.
Cardinal 7 customer service crimes
There are seven basic common customer service offenses:
* Late response syndrome. "Early birds get the worm" is such a common, when it is for our customers often say is true. If you are a potential customer to wait, and then return to their is a very good opportunity, he or she is someone else to do business. A good rule of thumb is to return to any potential customers within 24 hours - even if you are on vacation or busy.
* Support for the poor or no answer. If you have experienced client's customer call, then you may already know what it is support for the poor and you know this is not fun. Because you have delivered a product or service does not necessarily mean you're finished. Customers can have questions or provide the material, may not be able to operate as expected.
* Scott rude or answer. You tired. In fact, it is exhausted. You are in this project, the client for a few hours. Although it can be confirmed that there is no reason to be exhausted rude to customers or dry. (I promise to remember your rude customers long after he or she has forgotten you have to work overtime.)
* Contact information incomplete. When it comes to contact you, do not suppose you can reach your customers. Every communication, from you (including the draft law) should include your contact information. Customers should not have to work hard to learn how to find it. It is precisely because of the client immediately after contact with you and can not guarantee that they will contact you again.
* Failure to comply with the deadline. As a free, you should be as good as gold. If you agree with the products or services to prepare a certain date, you must do everything in its power to meet that deadline. Customers can set a deadline of one of the reasons why. A customer's attitude toward time is a fast way for you to lose customers.
* Lack of communication. There are problems with your project? It is the largest item, you expected? There you have a personal emergency intervention in your work? Let your customers know what is happening. Under normal circumstances, he or she is very pleased to answer questions and (as long as they are not used to it) is willing to understand the crisis.
* Method if you do not mind. Even when you find a client's project dull and boring, not to let them know your feelings. Almost every client believes that its work should be the most important and the most important agenda. If possible, find some interesting each item. (This is to see if there is not, believe me.)
If in doubt ...
Their shoes customers. Ask yourself the following questions:
* If you would like to how to deal with the situation in reverse?
* What kind of customer service, you will receive?
Finally, a word customer service
I believe that many workers are afraid to provide good customer service to customers, because they are afraid of being exploited. Although there are customers who tried to use you, most do not abuse their good nature. Most customers just want your product or service, must be normal for them.
If you find a particular client's needs much more than his or her pay, you can refuse to work at any time, customers in the future or the negotiations with a higher price.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Google Adsense Guide
Here is a small demonstration of understanding of the system.
One aimed at promoting your site (or) to sell their products through its Web site and need to visit your site, and procurement. Register with Google AdWords is a system, anyone can Google advertising and pay-per-click. Started promoting your site, and begun to pay 0.50USD/Click, which means that you need to pay 50 cents for every visitor who is your site.
For example, Google's Adsense advertising
Google displays ads on its Web site all Google's AdSense site-related sites. As long as someone clicks on these ads and visit a site, AdSense publishers and pay per click is the amount was never disclosed to anyone. In short, the per-click revenue is 1cent between 50 U.S. dollars-per-click, and depends entirely on the site advertisers and special budget.
How can I with Google AdSense?
Google AdSense program does not place limits on the terms of money and reports directly to the number of visitors on its Web site / blog. Google is no minimum or maximum limit is set for their publishers. If your site receives thousands of visitors and then wage income, if you have millions of visitors, then you pay more, which means that everything depends on their total number of visitors.
Does Google actually pay?
Asked this question many people who are new to this system and confused if Google will pay one month, if they will be financed through the system. The answer is simple - if you do not make any false clicks and use the system is the right way, then you can expect to pay insurance. Google is a company's one billion U.S. dollars, established in 1998, and serious professionals who you would not fraud.
Can i Click on my AdSense ads?
The answer to this question is not, why not, in any case, you can not click your Google AdSense ads. Some people try to click your AdSense ads to test, but this is a serious mistake and error, even if you click on Google's AdSense ads on your own website / blog, you will need to contact AdSense group immediately and notify them.
What is The Adsense Payment Method ?
AdSense team a different mode of payment depends on you and your country, providing a total of four kinds of different options, inspection, electronic transfer (), Western Union Quick Cash, and quickly. You would have to pay 25 U.S. dollars, if you choose the safe and prompt delivery, which means that your AdSense payment check is through the DHL courier service, faster, more secure, in general, these checks received by the editorial in a weeks of time.
Diffrent Kinds Of ads offers By Google Adsense ?
Google currently offers different types of advertising, you can put your site and earn money. Here is a list of products AdSense:
*AdSense content
*AdSense for Search
*AdSense for mobile content
*AdSense for Feeds
*AdSense for video
*The AdSense video unit
*AdSense for domains
You can decide which ads work best for your site and your site visitors, and to establish and make money. For example: If your site have a lot of films, then you can go to "the AdSense video products and through it to make money.
If you have all the problems, Google AdSense program to delete PPC and to join the scheme and then click now to register and easy to make money with Google AdSense.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Reselling website templates to Make Money Online
Sales of the template is a great agreement, those who wish to improve their sites, and to increase the number of visitors, they attracted to their own websites. Template for sale, and their charges are based on your rights, they are equipped. You can be the template, so that your personal rights, which not only will only allow you to use these templates on your site only, you can not resell them. Template attached to the resale of certain rights and these rights does not allow you to resell the template simply because they do not have any changes. Another type of template with private label rights and with these rights, you will be able to change the templates, or even buy your name for the creation of such a template.
So as a website design template you are going to design a template, is very attractive to business people, they should be able to draw attention to such visitors, they will want to see more. Your template, Forever should not be too big or too fantasy and so on, they need so much memory to load or in need of some complex software. You have to put into the business world is a fast-growing areas and any page, time is too long or too high, opening up the computer will be asked to close your browser page who choose faster. Therefore, you do not want to lose business, in order to ensure that your template designs and markets the best money generation, not only artistic expression.
So you must make your site more attractive, you want to sell some templates? Your site needs a professional appearance, a custom design is very appropriate, it needs to have a formulation of the market to attract. Your graphics must be good, otherwise, the poor graphics you already have a very attractive concept, you will not see it the sale of the template, if it do better. Poor graphics templates to capture less than, because buyers would not pay more than the things you say, for example, is worth trying to sell second-hand what the price is higher than their cost when new, it will be torn off. Therefore, the same Web template buyers, they may buy your template, because they are cheap, but want to make. Therefore, the provision has never been given the reputation of sub-standard things that you will not be able to connect with the larger fish in the Internet market.
Source : Make Money Online