Monday, January 12, 2009

Do You Hate Your Customers?

Do You hate your customers?

"Of course not!" You protest. "My client's reasons for my business. This situation."

Well, maybe you do not hate their customers - but, when an independent for the poor service for our customers, this performance, if our hatred.

Poor customer service to make our lives more difficult, and for our customers may lead to eventual loss of even a customer. In fact, good customer service is essential, if you want to retain their customers and grow your business.
Cardinal 7 customer service crimes

There are seven basic common customer service offenses:

* Late response syndrome. "Early birds get the worm" is such a common, when it is for our customers often say is true. If you are a potential customer to wait, and then return to their is a very good opportunity, he or she is someone else to do business. A good rule of thumb is to return to any potential customers within 24 hours - even if you are on vacation or busy.
* Support for the poor or no answer. If you have experienced client's customer call, then you may already know what it is support for the poor and you know this is not fun. Because you have delivered a product or service does not necessarily mean you're finished. Customers can have questions or provide the material, may not be able to operate as expected.
* Scott rude or answer. You tired. In fact, it is exhausted. You are in this project, the client for a few hours. Although it can be confirmed that there is no reason to be exhausted rude to customers or dry. (I promise to remember your rude customers long after he or she has forgotten you have to work overtime.)
* Contact information incomplete. When it comes to contact you, do not suppose you can reach your customers. Every communication, from you (including the draft law) should include your contact information. Customers should not have to work hard to learn how to find it. It is precisely because of the client immediately after contact with you and can not guarantee that they will contact you again.
* Failure to comply with the deadline. As a free, you should be as good as gold. If you agree with the products or services to prepare a certain date, you must do everything in its power to meet that deadline. Customers can set a deadline of one of the reasons why. A customer's attitude toward time is a fast way for you to lose customers.
* Lack of communication. There are problems with your project? It is the largest item, you expected? There you have a personal emergency intervention in your work? Let your customers know what is happening. Under normal circumstances, he or she is very pleased to answer questions and (as long as they are not used to it) is willing to understand the crisis.
* Method if you do not mind. Even when you find a client's project dull and boring, not to let them know your feelings. Almost every client believes that its work should be the most important and the most important agenda. If possible, find some interesting each item. (This is to see if there is not, believe me.)

If in doubt ...

Their shoes customers. Ask yourself the following questions:

* If you would like to how to deal with the situation in reverse?
* What kind of customer service, you will receive?

Finally, a word customer service

I believe that many workers are afraid to provide good customer service to customers, because they are afraid of being exploited. Although there are customers who tried to use you, most do not abuse their good nature. Most customers just want your product or service, must be normal for them.

If you find a particular client's needs much more than his or her pay, you can refuse to work at any time, customers in the future or the negotiations with a higher price.

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