Are you a freelancer, blogger or business owner with a website? Do you want to get more traffic?
This article will compare the traffic sent by Facebook VS the traffic sent by Twitter, and suggest some ideas that you may want to invest in — like building up your Twitter and Facebook profiles.
You may be surprised to know that Facebook sends more traffic (& comments) than Twitter, but here is the big crunch… You only need 1/3 of the ‘friends’ on Facebook than you do on Twitter to get the same amount of traffic.
Let me give you the findings from my own blog, Just Creative Design… I have 3400+ friends on Twitter & only 980+ friends on Facebook yet I still get more traffic from Facebook than Twitter. Go figure.
Here is a screenshot from my website stats by Google Analytics to prove it, highlighted in red. You may also be interested to know that Facebook is in my top 10 referring sites.
Twitter Traffic
Facebook Traffic
How to get more traffic from Twitter:
Set up automatic Twitter posts
For my blog / website I use the CMS (Content Management System) called Wordpress and every time I write a new blog post I have set it up to automatically send a Twitter message out to all of my followers.
I have done this by using the Wordpress Plugin called Twitter Updater. For those who do not use Wordpress you can Twitter Feed or if all else fails, manually Tweet. There may be other alternatives for auto tweets out there so if you do know please leave a link in the comments.
From these automatic Twitter posts I get a few hundred visits to each article over the space of about two days. I may also do 1 or 2 more manual tweets at different intervals for those people in different time zones.
Preschedule tweets
On that note, you should also know about the tool called TweetLater which allows you to pre schedule Twitter posts in advance. Very handy.
Self promote
In short, getting traffic from Twitter is based on how much your promote your article (be careful not to spam) and the quality of your followers… are they going to retweet your tweet? I suggest you check out the Ultimate Twitter Guide.
Do to others as you would like done to you
I always keep this in mind… do to others as you would like done to you because what goes around comes around.
How to get more traffic from Facebook:
Set up automatic Twitter to Facebook Status updates
Getting traffic from Facebook is directly linked to how you use Twitter. This is because what you write on Twitter automatically gets sent straight to your Facebook status (well after you set it up).
To automatically get your Tweets sent to Facebook please follow this short tutorial on how to set this up - it will take a whole of 4 minutes to set up.
After you have sent this up, every time you Tweet, all of your Facebook friends will also receive your messages which is handy because not everyone uses Twitter. You would also be surprised to know that more people reply on Facebook than on Twitter, ie. when you ask a question or want feedback on something, based on percentages, Facebook will yield better results.
Set up automatic import of blog notes
Did you know that you can set up your blog posts to be automatically updated on your Facebook profile as ‘notes’. This means that every time you write a new blog post, it will come up in peoples profile timelines & notifications.
To set it up automatic note imports just go here and set up your blog feed to be imported. To see my notes in action click here.
Set up a Facebook group for your website / blog
You know those annoying invites you get on your Facebook profile asking you to join another pointless group? Well you can use this to your advantage… Set up your own Group or fan club for your website. It really does drive traffic!
One of the major benefits of having a Facebook group for your website is the ability to mass message all members with a click of the button. Another benefit is that your group and brand will be displayed on every members profile which means even more exposure for your blog.
For an example of a Facebook Group, check out my Facebook Group for Just Creative Design.
To Do Now
- Automate your blog posts to be sent to Twitter. Install Twitter Updater or set up Twitter Feed.
- Pre schecdule Tweets using the service TweetLater.
- Set up Twitter to Facebook Status updates for automatic Twitter / Facebook integration. Tutorial here.
- Set up automatic import of blog notes in Facebook so your blog posts go into your friends feeds. Set up On Facebook.
- Create a Facebook group for your website / blog for great exposure & easy mass messaging.
- Build Up Your Twitter & Facebook Profiles
Obviously the information I have given you is directly related to how many followers / friends you have and how strong your profile is so I recommend you to check out this Ultimate Twitter Guide or this guide on how to get more Twitter followers - the same rules will generally apply to Facebook. - Add me (Jacob Cass) on Twitter, Facebook & Join the Just Creative Design Facebook Group. Also add Freelance Folder on Twitter.
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